Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I don't know if you're familiar with them, but I subscribe to Notes From The Universe. Monday through Friday, The Universe (as in the one we live in) sends me messages of encouragement and hope. They're tailored to my own personal life goals, but since one of those is to be published, I thought I'd share a couple recent ones today.

The trick is learning to maintain an unwavering focus upon your desired end result, your completed dream, the "finish line," without insisting upon, or even contemplating, its means of attainment, no matter how logical, obvious, or tempting it may seem.

I love this. It's so true. As so many have pointed out before me (most recently, Kiersten White had a great post on this) there is no magic formula for the next bestseller. Don't waste your time wondering if you've got the "right" story for the market, or trying to figure out the "next big trend". Just write your book the way you see it. Write the story you want to read. If you let the joy of the process come through in your writing, and you write what you love, others will pick up on that energy and love it too.

I've found that "The Secret" really works. Visualize yourself where you want to be in your career. Don't worry if you can't figure out the details, logic, or any possible way that you'll get there. Just write your book as though it's already sold. Already getting rave reviews.

It's so much more fun to be writing the best book ever(!) than it is to write a worthless piece of crap that will never sell.

People who do all they can, with what they've got, from where they are, no matter how puny their actions, how tiny their steps, or how futile it may seem, simply have more fun. Way.

Of course, to the uninitiated it doesn't appear that way. To them it appears as if only those taking gigantic leaps, who drive cars with fancy wheels, have loads of friends, perfect bodies, and fly around the world in First Class Sleeper Seats, are having fun. But what they don't realize is that we're often talking about the very same folks, just at different points in their journey.

Like Kristi said last week, it's all about baby steps! As long as you're moving forward you're going somewhere. I like this because it reminds me that everyone successful started out clueless and uncertain, but they're successful because they kept going even when it was scary, or difficult, or they were exhausted or discouraged.

A "no" is not the end, it's just another step along your journey to success.

What are some of your favorite inspriational or encouraging messages? What keeps you going?


  1. Fabulous post Valerie! I had no idea we were so similar in our mentality. I LOVE my Note from the Universe each day! Mike Dooley is awesome -- my Master Teacher presented with him at a conference last year.

    For me, letting go of the "how" has been the most difficult. My hubby and I were discussing this last night -- he's a singer/songwriter and was saying he didn't know where to book his next show. I reminded him what he always tells me -- the universe will let him know what should come next. Literally 5 minutes later, he got a phone call from an amazing venue in Downtown Denver asking him to play a show next month! He also got a request to play his music from a radio station in California so it's been a great week.

    My favorite inspirational quote is by Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right."

  2. I think I may have to subscribe to that. Beautiful post, Valerie.

    Kristi, congrats to you and the hubby! Looks like 2010 is being good to all of us :)

    I don't have such amazing quotes, but one of my favorites comes from Jane Austen.
    "I think I may boast myself to be, with all possible vanity, the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress."

  3. Awesome post! I can't name any inspirational quotes off the top of my head, but my friends and family members are always encouraging me!
    Also, I wanted to let you know that I given you an award! Check it here:

  4. Thanks, Alexa! Love your blog! We'll be putting up the awards on Friday :)


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