Monday, July 4, 2011

Contest Monday

Happy 4th of July, America!!
(I took this, *grin*)

I know you're all probably outside right now, lounging in plastic chairs, sipping sweet tea, or chowing on a greasy burger, but in case you happen to stop by the intre-webz today, check out this post by Miranda Kenneally (CATCHING JORDAN, Dec. 2011). She's got ARCS! And she's celebrating with a contest. (Pssst! You can win a crit from lit agent, Sara Megibow!) Ends July 10th.

And as always, if you've got a contest link to share, Mr. Linky wants your love.

Also, unrelated but still cool, a friend of mine made this awesome t-shirt design, and because I think it's awesome and I'm proud of him, I'm sharing it with you. You can "like" it, if you want, or just take a peek and marvel at the awesome. :D


  1. Happy 4th of July to you :) Here in Aus it's a little "chilly" right now so we're all inside & rugged up. hehe

  2. Trisha, we were up around 90 f today in NYC! Enjoy that chilly weather!


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