Thursday, September 29, 2011

The No-Writing Funk

Lately I have had no motivation for writing. There. I admitted it. For the first time since I started writing, I feel like I have nothing to say. Nothing to create. Just...nothing.

This is a very bad feeling.

So today I ask you, how do you get yourself out of the no-writing funk? Does reading help? Do you force the words out of you? I've tried that and it just ends up with more cutting. I have a lot of things I'd like to blame for this lack of motivation/creative energy, but blaming things doesn't fix it! So what does?

Please have a magical answer for me.


  1. There must be something going around! I just posted on keeping motivated yesterday. What helps me sometimes is to set a really small goal, one I know I can accomplish, like revising one chapter. That sometimes gives me the motivation to do more.

  2. Have you tried writing something completely unrelated to your WIP? Write a short story, or a diary entry, or just free associate. Babble it out onto the page and see what happens. I know some folks who swear by it.

  3. @Andrea, that's a good idea! Makes it seem a lot less daunting. I'll give it a shot. Thanks!

    @Delia, I've written some stuff for my Tangled Fiction group. It has helped a little. Maybe I'll focus more on a new project idea for a day or two. Thanks!


  4. When I get like that, I literally let myself take a break. I give myself a week or two weeks and tell myself, "You cannot write until (insert day)." By the time that day comes, I'm itching with ideas, dialogue, etc.

    Works every time.
    Good luck!

  5. @Heather, breaks are good. Unfortunately I've had a lengthy one already! Lol!

    @C.A. Marks, YES! I am a few years over due for a vacation.

  6. I can pinpoint a "no-writing funk" to an out-of-control schedule. I typically need to say no to things or just force myself to get butt in chair and write.

  7. Flash fiction! Find a site, get the prompt and go write the first thing that comes into your mind. Don't even worry about posting it, then love and edit and nurture it and then suddenly you realize you want to do a bigger project again.
    Good luck!

  8. When I feel like that, I do something creative that is unrelated to writing. I'll take the kids to a museum or the zoo, or my hubby and I will see an independent film or try a new restaurant. I'm not someone who does well sitting and forcing the words--I find that if I do something different, I get inspired and the words flow much faster when I do sit down. Good luck!

  9. *hugs* I wish I had an answer for you but I've been there off and on all year and haven't quite figured it out. You have the right attitude though! I will have to remember that blaming doesn't solve anything. One thing that helps me is reading and watching movies. Getting involved in stories always gets me thinking about my own stories.

  10. I found that doing small writing challenges help I do the 100 word count challenge each week like this one

    this helps get me out of my funk x


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