Monday, May 9, 2011

Contest Monday with ARCs and a Kindle

Happy Monday! First of all, we wanted to say how impressed we were by all 100+ entries we received for our pitch contest with Sara Megibow. I'm really glad I'm not Sara right now. The winners will be announced in the next day or two. Congrats to everyone who entered--it takes courage to put your work out there! Now, on to some contests.

The lovely Natalie Parker is giving away tons of ARCs in her Bloody Magical Contest (and a copy of Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton which I'm dying to read). Hop over to her blog, Nataliesee's Journal, for the details.Contest ends Wed. May 11th.

Adventures in Children's Publishing is giving away a copy of Calli Be Gold by MG author, Michele Hurwitz. Winner will be announced on Thurs.

This just in...Nathan Bransford is giving away a Kindle in celebration of his book release. Contest ends: Wed. at 7pm Pacific time.

Any good contests out there I missed? If so, fill in the info below:


  1. You guys rock. Thanks for the shout out!

  2. Also, Jess R. Sheaffer is giving away a SIGNED copy of Hillary Homzie's The Hot List on her blog at


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