Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teenfire Semi-finalists Announced!

Many of you out there in the YA community have probably heard of the Sourcebooks Fire/Yalitchat contest being held at this time. If you haven't, talented YA writer Georgia McBride(founder of #yalitchat)teamed up with the editors of Sourcebooks Fire to bring a unique opportunity to our community.

Georgia sifts through all the entries picking only a handful of them to be sent to the editors at Sourcebooks. The editors will then pick the winners. There is no guarantee for contracts, but just to have your work read by an editor is a great opportunity.

The semi-finalists were announced today! And Kristi and I both entered and we were both on the list! A happy day for the Sisters in Scribe! Because you know we're all about celebrating baby steps. I imagine Kristi has already danced around her kitchen like a monkey on crack. I haven't had my coffee yet, so that isn't happening. But I did a little wiggle in my chair.

We want to hear about your little accomplishments. What have you done recently to put yourself one step closer to accomplishing your goals? It doesn't have to be a writing goal. Anything we do to better ourselves, even if it's just self-satisfaction, is worth celebrating.

The List of Semi-finalists! from Georgia's Blog.
  1. Kristen Yard
  2. Ethan Marcantel
  3. Gail Zerrade
  4. Lisa M. Basso
  5. Alyssa M. Kirk
  6. Carolyn Grace Matteo
  7. Durga Walker
  8. Courtney Alameda Lowe
  9. Bethany K. Dellinger
  10. K.M. Walton
  11. Christina Lee
  12. Mary Danielson
  13. Kimberly Mitchell
  14. Candace Ganger
  15. Cathy C. Hall
  16. R.C. Lewis
  17. Morgan Baden
  18. Jessie Harrell
  19. P.G.K. Hanson
  20. Laura Perdew
  21. Mark Freeman
  22. Patricia Perez
  23. Eli Ross
  24. Erin Richards
  25. Kristi V. Helvig
  26. Sandi Greene
  27. Nikki Katz
  28. Chris Shanley-Dillman
  29. Lisa Magedler
  30. Joelle McClure
  31. Amitha Jagannath Knight
  32. Tiffany Truitt
  33. Rebecca Lees
  34. Mariah Abotossaway
  35. Steve L. Edwards
  36. Lori Sowell
  37. Lacey Boldyrev
  38. Jordan Elizabeth Mierek
  39. Julie Moffett
  40. Annie McElfresh
  41. Kym Balthazar Fetsko
  42. Pam van Hylckama Vlieg
  43. Elle Strauss
  44. Dean Hardy
  45. Jodie Meadows

Congrats, all and good luck on the next round!


  1. Woohoo Congrats Lacey and Kristi, that's amazing!! :)

  2. Congratulations, girls! I'm so happy forboth of you! :)

  3. Congrats Lacey! I feel I owe a large part of being on the semi-finalist list to you and Valerie (and my other crit group). You've pushed me to make my book better and better. Thank you to my Sisters!!

  4. Thanks, Kristi :) My MS wouldn't be anywhere near what it is without you and Valerie!

  5. Oh my gosh!!! That's awesomesauce, you guys!! Congrats! So how long until the next round is announced? And are the editors reading your stuff now??

    So cool!

  6. Thanks, Elana! The editors are reading the subs now and they're supposed to announce finalists by the end of the month. There will be twenty finalists, and the editors will read twenty pages from each. Wish us luck! Pretty please.

  7. Thanks for the well wishes - my bet is on Lacey in the finals! She rocks!

  8. Psshh! My money is on Kristi, for sure.

    I would have NEVER realized it if it weren't for you, so thanks.


  10. I'm biased but I think both Kristi and Lacey are going to make it to the finals and Sourcebooks would be lucky to have them!

    Congrats Patty! That's awesome!

  11. Thanks, Valerie :) If we do make it, we owe a huge part of that to you.

  12. Thanks Valerie - your kick-butt editing skills have greatly improved my book. Congrats Patty!!!

  13. Ah, congrats all! Just found the blog and love it! Big fan of writers sticking together to stay sane. Well, somewhat sane at least. :)

  14. Cool. I hadn't seen the list yet. I even recognize some of the names. Congrats to all that were selected. It wasn't even a long list.


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